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The International Consortium For Organizational Resilience

"; contactHTML += "

ICOR's Complaints and Appeals Policy

"; contactHTML += "

 P.O. Box 1171, "; contactHTML += "Lombard, Illinois 60148

"; contactHTML += "


"; contactHTML += "

 Toll Free North America: 1-866-765-8321

"; contactHTML += "

"; contactHTML += "

Email Us!

"; contactHTML += "
"; contactHTML += ""; contactHTML += "
"; contactHTML += "
"; contactHTML += ""; contactHTML += "
"; contactHTML += "
"; contactHTML += ""; contactHTML += "
"; contactHTML += "
"; contactHTML += ""; contactHTML += "
"; contactHTML += "
"; contactHTML += "
"; showicorDialog('contact', 'Contact ICOR by mail, phone, or email', contactHTML);}); $(document).on("click", ".loadVenueInfo", function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var vid = $(this).attr('data-vid'); var city = $(this).attr('data-city'); var state = $(this).attr('data-state'); var citystate = $(this).attr('data-citystate'); $.post("scripts/loadVenue.php",{venue: vid}, function(data){ if (citystate != undefined) { showicorDialog("contact", "Viewing " + citystate + " Information", data); }else{ showicorDialog("contact", "Viewing " + city + ", " + state + " Information", data); } }); }); /*********************** Process Contact Form ***********************/ function processContact() { $("#processContactForm").prop("disabled",true); $("#processContactForm").html(" Sending Email..."); var cfname = $("#cf_name").val(); var cfemail = $("#cf_email").val(); var cfmessage = $("#cf_message").val(); var cfphone = $("#cf_phone").val(); var errorMessage = ""; if (cfname == "") { if (errorMessage != "") errorMessage += "
"; errorMessage += "You must enter a name."; } if (cfemail == "") { if (errorMessage != "") errorMessage += "
"; errorMessage += "You must enter an email."; } if (cfmessage == "") { if (errorMessage != "") errorMessage += "
"; errorMessage += "You must enter a message."; } if (errorMessage == "") { var varMessage = "Name: " + cfname + "\r\n"; varMessage += "Email: " + cfemail + "\r\n"; varMessage += "Phone: " + cfphone + "\r\n"; varMessage += "Message: " + cfmessage + "\r\n"; $.post("scripts/sendContactEmail.php",{cfname: cfname, cfemail: cfemail, cfmessage: cfmessage, cfphone: cfphone}, function(data){ //alert(data); var splitData = data.split("::"); if (splitData[0] == "SUCCESS") { showicorDialog("success", "Success", splitData[1]); }else{ $("#contact-error").html("" + splitData[1] + ""); } } ); }else{ $("#contact-error").html("" + errorMessage + ""); } $("#processContactForm").prop("disabled", false); $("#processContactForm").html("Send Email"); } /* Cookie/GDPR Accept Button */ $("#policy-button").on("click", function(e) { $("#policy-wrapper").remove(); $.post("scripts/policy-accept.php",{}, function(data){}); }); /* Show more when clicked */ $(".shd").click(function(){ var shid = $(this).attr('data-sid'); $("#hidden-"+shid).toggle(1000); }); var mainShowLoading = '
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