About our certificates

Certifications are valid for 3 years and must be renewed before the expiration date to stay in good standing. Renewal fees are due at the time of the renewal – once every 3 years. Certification renewal requirements can be viewed below under each certification. Proofs can be uploaded into the online certification maintenance system.

For certification renewal, the applicant must demonstrate completion of a minimum number of points for each of the 8 Certification Competency Areas listed below as well as meet the minimum number of Continuing Education Credits (CEUs) over the 3 year period and prior to the expiration date of the certification. Proof of completion of the activity will need to be provided.

A minimum of 30 points required for each of the 8 Competency Areas for a total minimum of 240 points.

In addition, a minimum of 5 hours of Continuing Education Credit (CEU) for each of the 8 Competency Areas for a total of 40 hours over 3 years. One hour = One point. Total points required for certification renewal is equal to or greater than 280 points.

Renewal exam

Alternatively, certification can be fulfilled for each certification renewal by taking and passing the certification exam for the relevant certification.

What’s required for certification?
Certified Organizational Resilience Certifications

Business Continuity & Crisis Management

ISO 22301 Lead Implementer

Renewal Fees:
Members: $295.00 (USD)
Non-Members: $395.00 (USD)

Crisis Management & Communication Professional

Renewal Fees:
Members: $295.00 (USD)
Non-Members: $395.00 (USD)

Critical Environments

Critical Environments Engineer

Renewal Fees:
Members: $295.00 (USD)
Non-Members: $395.00 (USD)

Critical Environment Facility Advisor

Renewal Fees:
Members: $295.00 (USD)
Non-Members: $395.00 (USD)

Critical Environments Manager

Renewal Fees:
Members: $295.00 (USD)
Non-Members: $395.00 (USD)

Critical Environments Technician

Renewal Fees:
Members: $295.00 (USD)
Non-Members: $395.00 (USD)

Critical Environments Auditor

Renewal Fees:
Members: $295.00 (USD)
Non-Members: $395.00 (USD)

Critical Environments Technology Professional

Renewal Fees:
Members: $295.00 (USD)
Non-Members: $395.00 (USD)